she/her 19
eng/ru/日本語 OK!
I'm just here to appreciate stories, characters and fellow enjoyers.

🌼main art


BYF! I usually post in my native language, but feel free to interact with me in en or jp. mainly talk about enstars. sometimes I vent about my ocd so please be aware if it makes you uncomfy. occasionally nsfw
DNI! basic dni. under 14 years old. hate my favs. if you’re unnecessarily aggressive, involve yourself in internal fanwars, or hate on other people. save yourself (and me) the headache.


main enstars, A3!, gbf, tloz, FF7, dgm

others orv, kh, dcmk, pkmn, daiya, dmc, hxh, persona, jjba, ygo


enstars Hibiki Wataru, Tenshouin Eichi, Sakuma Rei, Shiina Niki, Yuuki Makoto
a3! fuyugumi, Itaru Chigasaki, Taichi Nanao
ff7 Zack Fair, Cloud Strife, Aerith Gainsborough, Vincent Valentine, Cissnei
gbf Seox, Nehan, Sui, Sandalphon, Lucio, Lucifer, Vikala

OTPS reichi, wataei, rinniki, himeniki, junmako
NOTPS reikao, mayoniki, rinnmeru, eimugi, watatomo, tatsuhime, ibayuzu

I like my ships fixed, so no switching